Sunday, September 10, 2017

Mind Bugging

It's 2.15am, in the morning. To woke up at this hour really not a good thing. Nothing is good when it pass 12am. Your mind entering the melodramatic zone after this hour.

There was/is something keep bugging me since last night. The current news regarding a father who raped his 15y/o daughter, since 2 years ago, everyday, thrice a day, without missed. Well acturally since the news came out a week ago, my mind was fucked up.

Someone that you trust, someone that you love, someone who supposed to protected you in all cause, betrayed you. And the first time he did that to her, during their umrah. This is the most fucked up fact that my mind refused to brain it properly.

Dekat tanah suci kau buat benda terkutuk macamtu?

To be honest, if, I was in her shoes, I might be questioning my faith on Him. Mana Tuhan, masa aku perlukan Kau? Mana? Kenapa out of many places, dekat situ dia kena. Which is the main evil is her father. Youve destroyed her life.

I wonder how traumatic she is, self-conflict, trust issues, hates, doubts and nightmares. Aku taktau macamana kuat budak perempuan tu kena jadi. Dik, I hope you will find your way to stand still, and moving forward with your life. Im praying for that bastard to rotten in hell.

And I hope, no one, in this world, facing this kind of life ever. Aku yang membaca pun jadi depressed gila babi, inikan yang kena hadap. Tolonglah manusia jahat atas muka bumi ni semua mati kena panah dengan petir.

Till then, goodnight.